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Vollständige Anleitung zur Fehlerbehebung der GitKraken Boards app auf iOS- und Android-Geräten. Lösen Sie alle Probleme, Fehler, Verbindungsprobleme, Installationsprobleme und Abstürze der GitKraken Boards app.
Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Axosoft, den Entwicklern von GitKraken Boards in Kontakt zu treten..
GitKraken Boards sync in real-time with GitHub Issues, support markdown and offer lots of time-saving features for collaborative dev teams. Because GitKraken Boards sync in real-time with GitHub Issues, changes made in either system will be immediately reflected in the other. The GitKraken Boards mobile app provides a more productive way for dev teams to track tasks and issues on the go! Choose your theme, and start using Boards to visualize the progress of items through your workflow. Boards are also easily accessible from inside the GitKraken Git Gui, VS Code, Atom or a browser! Meaning, if some team members are using either GitKraken Boards or GitHub exclusively, important information can still be shared seamlessly. - Track Anything: Create cards to track tasks, issues, items, features, etc. - Sync GitHub Issues: Visualize the progress of GitHub Issues with workflows. - Real-Time Sync: See updates instantly without refreshing. - Collaborate: Invite different team members to each board and set security permissions. - Track Board Activity: See who did what and when. - Powerful Search & Filters: See only what you’re looking for. - Card Labels: Use labels to quickly see priority, item type, etc. - Card Task Lists: Create additional checklists for each card. - Share Boards & Cards: Share specific boards or cards. - File Attachments: Easily add images and files by dragging and dropping. - Markdown Support: Use markdown in card descriptions and comments. - @Mentions: Tag people in comments to notify them.