Gratitude - Journal Prompts

Gratitude - Journal Prompts Software


Gratitude Übersicht

You can set multiple reminders for making you consistent at feeling grateful and finding gratitude for new things every day.

Because, I was expecting things to change sooner and when that didn’t happen early on, I started questioning the whole concept of Gratitude.

I understood and absorbed the fact that if I keep complaining about the things that I lack, no matter what I achieve, I’ll continue to be anxious or worrying about things that I lack(at that time).

I built this app because I wanted a private place to write my grateful thoughts, to remind me to focus on the positive, and to give it colors.

I eventually succeeded in convincing my family too to try and focus on the positive, and now after quite a hard time, all of us are doing great.

Over time, I think we realized that we shouldn’t be chasing the wrong things and attach our happiness to them.

Every day, the app brings to you inspiring quotes, affirmations, and gratitude stories from other users.

The app is a great tool to reminds us about the little things that we can take for granted.

I started writing and expressing thanks for the little things that happened to me.

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Gratitude Preis pläne

Dauer Betrag (USD)
Monatsabonnement $15.00
Jahresabonnement $29.99

**Die Preisdaten basieren auf durchschnittlichen Abonnementpreisen, die von gemeldet wurden..

Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

The diese App app is a carefully-designed self-care tool to help you focus on your mental health. With a diese App journal, affirmations, vision board, and daily motivation content, diese App provides you with all the tools and reminders you need to gain motivation and develop a healthy self-love routine in your life. To live a happy and fulfilling life, it is important for us to have good mental health and a strong sense of self-love. And, as the app is completely private, you can always be assured that your precious journal entries, affirmations, and vision board are for your eyes only. Here are the tools that you will find in the diese App app: 1. diese App JOURNAL A diese App journal or diary opens up your eyes to reflect on all the little blessings in your life. In daily life, we can lose sight of what we are fortunate to have and by keeping a journal you can slowly and steadily shift your perspective to focus on what is good in your life. The diese App app will send you reminders with prompts to help you build the habit of journaling. You can also add photos to your journal entries, build a diese App journal streak, and access hundreds of journal prompts. 2. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS If you’ve heard about manifestation or the law of attraction, you’ve probably heard about affirmations. Positive daily affirmations change our self-talk to focus on more loving and kind thoughts towards ourselves. They give us the motivation we need to keep moving forward and believe in ourselves. The diese App app has hundreds of affirmations that you can listen to or read, as per your need. You can also write your own affirmations, add music, and record your voice to them. Positive affirmations are a dearly loved tool and with this affirmations app, it is very easy for you to practice them. 3. CREATE VISION BOARDS Another super popular manifestation tool is a vision board, also called a dream board. The vision board serves as a collage of your dreams and goals in the form of photos, quotes, and affirmations. In the diese App app, we’ll help you make a great vision board using sections, goal ideas, and create a video of all your goals together with music. You can also make multiple vision boards! 4. DAILY ZEN We understand the need for motivation and inspiration as you build a healthy routine with these self-help tools, which is why Daily Zen is an important part of the app. Here, you will find diese App quotes, motivation quotes, thought switch ideas, thank you cards, affirmations, blog articles, and real-life stories of people who changed their mindset with diese App. 5. MINDFUL MINUTES We define the Mindful minutes as the time that you spend in the diese App app. You can view the mindful minutes under 'All Health Data' section in the Health app provided by Apple. Currently, the app does not read any data from the health app. We don't write any data in the health app without your consent. You can turn on the mindful minutes from the profile & settings in the diese App app. Privacy Policy: App-App-Privacy-Policy-40195d1e9f51499c82dc8f7d06ab2a1c Terms of Use:

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Carol8008

¡Es genial!

¡Me encanta esta aplicación! ¡Es excelente! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Y no sé cómo funciona, pero siento que todo ha mejorado desde que la uso. Y por supuesto, mi actitud está cambiando para bien. ¡Muchas gracias por haberla creado! 🙏🏾

durch Jette <33

Please other date options

I wish i could choose a day long time ago and not just 1 or 2 days ago to write about :(( in my language: Ich wünschte man könnte über Tage schreiben die schon länger her sind und nicht nur Gestern oder Vortag :((

durch Mottchen


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