Froggipedia, an engaging, interactive, powerful constructive learning Apple AR which helps explore and discover the unique life cycle and intricate anatomical details of a frog.
Froggipedia helps us to observe the life cycle of a frog, such as how it turns from a single celled egg in water to a tadpole which in turn metamorphoses into a froglet and eventually a full grown frog.
The app provides an immersive and engaging experience which elaborates on each phase of the life cycle of a little amphibian called the frog.
Froggipedia has been awarded "iPad App of the Year" 2018 and is now available in the following languages: Japanese, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Korean, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin Spanish.
Thus we get best of both worlds as we get to successfully observe and learn about the structure of a frog and yet cause no harm to life.
We can further dissect and observe the complex structure of its various organ systems right on our iOS devices using an Apple pencil or your finger.
A fun quiz in the end helps in absorbing the knowledge gained through this innovative app called Froggipedia.
It is a sterling example of how AR technology has moved leaps and bounds.