Firmenname: Florish, Inc.
Über: Florish is the complete indoor plant companion app, designed for those new to
indoor gardening who may need help picking new plants for a space, or caring for
the ones they already own. We are a new company and are looking for beta testers
who want to stop killing their plants but don't know where to start.
Die folgenden Kontaktoptionen stehen zur Verfügung: Preisinformationen, Support, Allgemeine Hilfe und Presseinformationen/Berichterstattung (um die Reputation des Unternehmens zu bewerten) Finden Sie heraus, mit welchen Optionen Ihre Kundendienstprobleme am schnellsten gelöst werden können.
NOTE: If the links below doesn't work for you, Please go directly to the Homepage of Florish, Inc.
Website: 🌍 Planta Website besuchen
Privatsphäre Politik:
Developer: Strömming AB
durch Dontalkations
…and then when you want to create the account it says that there is a security warning and it will not create an account.
Especially since there are so many alternatives
durch Hanna1293
I think the learning opportunity is Great. The tips are very useful.
But for me a plant app is also about keeping track of my plants. I‘d love to put pictures of my own plants instead the ones you get once you add a plant. I‘d also love to give my plants individual names, since my plants are treated like community members in my house :)
The watering tracker is a Bit unflexible since every plant, House and room is different.
durch Thooor_16
Das Konzept und das Design der App sind toll, aber die Anzahl der Pflanzen ist leider noch viel zu gering...
Ich habe 4 Pflanzen und nur 1 steht im Moment schon zur Verfügung.