Book Breeze - Reading Tracker

Book Breeze - Reading Tracker Software


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Book Breeze Übersicht

Whether your goal is 3 or 300 books a year — Book Breeze will make it fun and rewarding to get started with, and to finish, those books.

Book content and the actual reading is not done in the app, only the tracking of your reading.

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Book Breeze helps you develop your reading habit. Whether your goal is 3 or 300 books a year — Book Breeze will make it fun and rewarding to get started with, and to finish, those books. Book Breeze reading tracker features: - Large graphs for pages read, books read and reading pace on weekly, monthly and yearly time scales - Continuously updated progress and remaining time estimates for each book - Tracking daily reading streaks and record of your best streak - Accessible weekly reading stats for short term goals, and total reading stats for long term motivation - Optional daily reminder to keep your daily reading habit on track - Designed in every aspect to make reading more attractive, and ultimately to make you read more Develop your reading habit — Download Book Breeze today! Notes: * This app is a book tracker (reading tracker). Book content and the actual reading is not done in the app, only the tracking of your reading. * Icons from

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