XOSS Übersicht

- Sync with other apps like STRAVA, TRAININGPEAKS.- Share with your friends by connecting to Strava and Training Peaks or share your workouts to social media.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is an "ALL IN ONE" application specialised in Cycling and other outdoor sports. With diese App you can do: - Data syncing from verified bike computers. Including: diese App, CooSpo, CYCPLUS, etc.. - Workouts recording with all the data you need for free: Speed, Cadence, Power, Heart-rate, Elevation, Calories, Distance, Time, etc... - Advanced data analyzing with charts and graphics. GPS track on map, Elevation, Speed, Cadence, Heartrate Charts, Training zone analysis(Heart-rate, Power), and much more is coming! - Sync with other apps like STRAVA, TRAININGPEAKS.- Share with your friends by connecting to Strava and Training Peaks or share your workouts to social media. - Route planning before your journey. Follow us on FB and IG: diese App.co. More information is available at https://www.diese App.co

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Hallman Noreen

Es gibt kein Problem  ​​‍  ‍‍

App deutlich verbessert. Keine weiteren Probleme. Danke        

durch hopel-popel

Ich bin zufrieden und nutze das XOSS System auf meinem Forca 🙂👍

Läuft ohne jegliche Probleme 🙂👍

durch Hedges_Pritchettb

Mein Freund benutzt auch gerne xoss   ‌    

Ich benutze die App seit fast drei Monaten und bin sehr zufrieden!     ​ ‌‍

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