Firmenname: The Economist
Über: The Economist Group is the leading source of analysis on international business and world affairs.
Hauptsitz: New York, New York, United States.
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Developer: The Economist Newspaper
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durch YOMO1
Für mich Grund auf ein Papierabo umzustellen
durch Frmflxxx
Die App ist unübersichtlich und wenig nutzerfreundlich. Vermisste eine klare inhaltliche Struktur.
durch KinoViel
For some time I am asked to try this app whithin the legacy app, so I gave it another try. Sadly this is still a very poor successor. Very annoying is the fact that the app delivers a different regional edition from my print and legacy app and I did not find any ways ro set the preference. Another major problem (already many times critizised in comments here) is the limited use without internet access. Internet Access is not only a problem for the few readers on airplanes but permanently affects many users behind various firewalls (including the great firewall).
This makes the App unusable. I hope the legacy app will stay online until there is a better alternative.
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