LuLa Consultant Collage Maker - BTQE

LuLa Consultant Collage Maker - BTQE Software


LuLa Consultant Collage Maker Übersicht

With a specific focus on SPEED and CUSTOMIZABILITY, BTQE features a time-saving Quick Edit Mode, various, fully-customizable templates and a flexible collage-saving system with Google Drive-integration.

To make the collage-creation process extra fast, BTQE includes templates with pre-defined styles and prices that get saved automatically.

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Hundreds of Hours have been spent in the search of creating and perfecting the ultimate Inventory Collage-creation tool for Consultants. With a specific focus on SPEED and CUSTOMIZABILITY, BTQE features a time-saving Quick Edit Mode, various, fully-customizable templates and a flexible collage-saving system with Google Drive-integration. To make the collage-creation process extra fast, BTQE includes templates with pre-defined styles and prices that get saved automatically. In fact, by the time you read this, you could’ve already created a collage. BTQE is a professional Inventory Collage-Tool built to boost your sales as a consultant. FEATURES • Extensive Drag&Drop Template Editor with automatic alignment functionality • Lightning-fast Quick Edit Mode with pre-defined styles, sizes and prices • Template Management System with Single-Item- & Outfit-templates • High-Resolution Collage Export to Google Drive + Cameraroll • Highly customizable template layouts that get saved automatically Note: Due to the dynamics of fashion item's prices, the displayed prices might vary.

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