Stream from any website and watch with friends your favorite Videos, Movies, TV Shows, Live Sports, and much more.
* Join public rooms and watch videos with people from around the world.
* Want privacy? Set a password and watch videos in privacy.
* Press Play on the video and Explorii will automatically create a watch together room.
* Movies, tv shows, live tv channels, live sports, music videos, and more.
* Use filters to watch videos from a particular country.
* You can chat with friends in real-time while watching your favorite videos.
* Join virtual stream rooms from around the world, or from your local neighborhood.
* Share and browse Pics and Videos from around the world.
* Show 'hearts' animation for your favorite videos.
Simply play a video from most websites, and Explorii will create a watch-together room for you.
Explorii is like a social watch party that is fun and exciting for everyone.
Join for free today and you will never watch anything alone again.
* Meet new people with similar interests and hang out in virtual rooms.