URBN Jumpers app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

URBN Jumpers funktioniert nicht

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Ever wanted to do parkour, freerunning or ADD and quickly locate the best places
to train? Tired of going to the same spot because you don't know any better ones
? Want to learn new skills and find other traceurs to train with ? URBN Jumpers
got your back ! Everyone's best parkour spots, skills tutorials, moves,
challenges and jams..

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von William Simetin-Grenon, den Entwicklern von URBN Jumpers in Kontakt zu treten..

Bestätigte E-Mail  

Kontakt-E-Mail: [email protected]

100% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: URBN Dimension

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: URBN Jumpers Website besuchen

About this app

Want to learn new skills and find other traceurs to train with ?  Everyone's best parkour spots, skills tutorials, moves, challenges and jams... This is URBN Jumpers !  Each skill contains videos of how to perform it, prerequisites, a difficulty scale and a list of related skills.  Easily exchange tips, spots locations, moves and skills to achieve.  With an intuitive interaction with the app, you will be able to easily navigate through a map and see every spot added by other users in your surroundings.  Give your move a title, write a description and tag the skills that are in it. That’s it ? Well… no !  Scroll through a list of upcoming jams to join or call one yourself to let everyone know you’ll be there ready to meet new traceurs !  You can also set yourself goals including skills plus a specific height and distance.  Use the chat to connect with other traceurs.  If you want to keep it personal, you can mark a move as a goal to reach.  You can also see clips of other traceurs who achieved it.  Add it to make it visible to other Jumpers.  Ever wanted to do parkour, freerunning or ADD and quickly locate the best places to train?  Keep track of your training by marking a skill as “learning”, “achieved” and “mastered”.  Have access to over 100 indexed skills.  What better way to do so by seeing where they train or tell them where you plan on going ! 

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