1LINE one-stroke puzzle game

1LINE one-stroke puzzle game Software


1LINE one stroke puzzle game Übersicht

At first, it starts off with simple shapes, but each time your level increases, the number of lines increases, and it gets more and more complicated.

Use this chance to activate your mind as you play, by trying to solve this free-to-play brain-training puzzle game.

The hints to clearing the later, more complicated stages can all be found scattered through the simple stages.

Some unique types of line, such as "one way lines" and "overlapping lines", can also be found throughout the stages.

A brain-training puzzle game that activates your mind as you play.

A brain-training puzzle in which you draw 1 line, that will sharpen your wits.

There are some fiendishly tricky, complicated puzzles among the large number of stages.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

A brain-training puzzle in which you draw 1 line, that will sharpen your wits. In this free-to-play puzzle game, you merely have to draw one line. It is deceptively simple, yet profoundly deep. Play through the extensive stages, sharpening your wits as you have fun. Summary: A brain-training puzzle game that activates your mind as you play. When you've got a spare moment, on your daily commute, or before going to bed, why not experience what it feels like to activate you mind? How to play: There is only one rule: "Connect all the points with just one line." It doesn't matter where you start. There are some fiendishly tricky, complicated puzzles among the large number of stages. When you get stuck, make use of a hint. Stages: There are 15 levels, and a total of 850 stages. At first, it starts off with simple shapes, but each time your level increases, the number of lines increases, and it gets more and more complicated. You might think it's too easy early on. However, clearing the simple stages is also important. The hints to clearing the later, more complicated stages can all be found scattered through the simple stages. Some unique types of line, such as "one way lines" and "overlapping lines", can also be found throughout the stages. These special lines will encourage your imagination. Use this chance to activate your mind as you play, by trying to solve this free-to-play brain-training puzzle game. You're sure to get hooked!!

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Kakawjrjrifneifkskdkkgnekdosld

Sehr gut

Das spiel macht süchtig und ist es nicht zu schwer☺️Außerdem stört die Werbung nicht☺️

durch l3xuz

Man muss 5 Sterne raten, um einen Bonus zu erhalten

Diese Tatsache finde ich doof. Aber das Gameplay macht Spaß

durch e'lse


Ich finde es cool das man die Linien zu den anderen zusammen tut und das man erstmal selber überlegen kann und dann wenn man selber nicht mehr weiß, dann auf Tipp drauf tippen kann!👍👍

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