
EufyLife Software


EufyLife Übersicht

The EufyLife App will synchronize the records after each weighing (Body Fat Percentage, Body Mass Index, Height, Lean Body Mass, Weight) to Apple Health.

Since the privacy of your health data is very important, EufyLife has an entry point where you can choose to sync your data to Apple Health.

Pairing devices is as simple as enabling Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth on your mobile device, turning on the Eufy product, and following the on-screen instructions to complete pairing.

To get started, download EufyLife to your mobile device and register your email address to create an account.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

The diese App app is dedicated to improving your health. We’ve blended technology and convenience into an easy-to-use app that automatically syncs your health data. HOW THE APP WORKS A diese App account is needed to use this app. You only need to provide an email address and registration takes two steps and only a minute to complete. To get started, download diese App to your mobile device and register your email address to create an account. HOW TO PAIR DEVICES Eufy products are designed to be user friendly. Pairing devices is as simple as enabling Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth on your mobile device, turning on the Eufy product, and following the on-screen instructions to complete pairing. That's it! HealthKit The diese App App will synchronize the records after each weighing (Body Fat Percentage, Body Mass Index, Height, Lean Body Mass, Weight) to Apple Health. Since the privacy of your health data is very important, diese App has an entry point where you can choose to sync your data to Apple Health. No data will be synced to a third party until you choose it. Eufy’s BodySense line of health and wellness-focused products are currently available for use with diese App: Smart Scale. CONNECT WITH US • Email: support@diese • Website: diese • Facebook: @EufyOfficial

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch C.Schulte

So langsam wird’s...

So langsam wird die App wieder brauchbar. Vielen Dank das nun auch wieder eine Liniengrafik verfügbar ist. Somit ist die App nun auf den Stand von vor dem großen Update.

durch evgeniy-b

All great

How to delete the goal? I was playing around and can’t unset it now.

durch Lutz64

Nach Update alte Werte verkehrt

Nach dem heutigen iOS Update funktioniert die Umrechnung von lbs in kg nicht. Die Kommastelle der alten, gespeicherten Messungen ist verkehrt. Man wog in der Vergangenheit nicht 50,00 kg, sondern 500,0kg! Schade, die App war vorher übersichtlicher.

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