7min Math Genius

7min Math Genius Software


7min Math Genius Übersicht

You will practice everything suitable for everyday use: A sound mix of plus, minus, division, multiplication or percentage tasks with increasing difficulty will keep you at your limit and push the borders beyond.

Fits for everyone – young or old, smart or going-to-be-smart, hobby or professional, to get in shape or to stay in shape, beginner or almost-Einstein.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Want to become the next Einstein in mental math? With just 7 minutes a day you can practice your math skills while achieving valuable points towards becoming Super-Einstein! This is the perfect training for people who • Want to keep their brain fit • Are preparing for job interviews or case-studies • Need to practice for school • Like to impress their boss and colleagues with surprisingly fast judgement • Prefer to do something useful and fun while taking the subway or train Its a 7 min workout – not for your body, but for your mental, mathematical and logical fitness. You will practice everything suitable for everyday use: A sound mix of plus, minus, division, multiplication or percentage tasks with increasing difficulty will keep you at your limit and push the borders beyond. And it helps to improve both - speed and difficulty Join now to become super Einstein while impressing your friends and colleagues. Fits for everyone – young or old, smart or going-to-be-smart, hobby or professional, to get in shape or to stay in shape, beginner or almost-Einstein. Download now!

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Jenny 0511

Die tägliche Dosis Kopfrechnen

Bankrücken gegen sich selbst... die zeitliche Begrenzung durch die verschiedenen Rechenarten (+-/*^%) mit Scoring trainieren Kopfrechnen spielerisch. (Vorsicht Suchtgefahr ;) Ideal für zwischendurch beim Warten auf die Ubahn oder um am Morgen das Gehirn in die Gänge zu bekommen.

durch PeterTheGerminator

Kurz und effektiv

Optimal für zwischendurch!!!

durch Homuratschan


Ich finde es super auch wenn ich es nicht so oft mache und auch nicht so gut bin. Gute Methode um sein Grundschulwissen zu erneuern

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