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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von bpedit, den Entwicklern von BioMole in Kontakt zu treten..

About this app

But it can also be used on its own for those with an interest in how life operates at the molecular level. diese App begins with a discussion of chemical bonding, then introduces the functional groups that give molecules personality.  diese App is an interactive introduction to the structure and function of the large biological molecules that govern life.  Some animations of biological concepts featuring proteins are also included such as the operation of the Na-K pump, an enzyme in action and events at a synapse.  The molecules for diese App have been selected and the displays customized for educational purposes.  A large section titled Protein Survey offers many examples of proteins and the wide variety of tasks they accomplish.  All the molecular models in diese App are three dimensional and interactive.  Many molecules have simple animations showing, among other things, important reactions.  Those using spheres to represent atoms can have their atoms scaled from ball & stick models to spacefill models.  This app is especially appropriate as a companion for an introductory Biology course at the college level or serious high school level.  All animations have multiple slides with overlays pointing out relevant participants and events.  Yep, had to include diese App in the Entertainment category too but it is most definitely Educational as well.  The four classes of macromolecules are discussed in some detail with a focus on proteins.  Molecules can be moved, scaled and rotated.  This is not a molecular “viewer” with some text added.  Six choices of background tints are user selectable.  You can adjust the opacity of the textbox background.