VoyageX | Visited Countries

VoyageX | Visited Countries Software


VoyageX Visited Countries Übersicht

Features like additional country maps, World Heritages Sites and adding more than 5 trips are available only in the Pro Version that needs to be purchased separately.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Keep track of your travels! Mark on the map countries you have visited, select the regions, read the descriptions and much more! How many countries in Europe have you visited? And what about Asia? Overseas Territories and Antarctica are also now available. Keep records of how many World Heritage Sites you had the chance to visit and explore sites near you! Choose your favourite country so that you can access it quickly. Sync your progress with iCloud and share the map with your friends! Features such as the list of World Heritages Sites are available only in the Pro Version that needs to be purchased separately.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch mesuzi

The World Map shows contries different than my entry??

Still showing as though I’ve visited Alaska, which I understand because it is part of the US. But it is still weird especially for Sb from Europe that it shows as if I have been to half the world already even though I haven’t.

durch jerepi


Bought the app, it’s okay but it is only in English and I wished I could mark city’s too!

durch Baghira82


In de Beschreibung steht es gäbe die Version auch in English. Leider ist die englische Version nirgends zu finden, nur spanisch!

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