Osho Talking To Your BodyMind app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

Osho Talking To Your BodyMind funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht von on 2023-09-06

OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your
BodyMind. This is a guided process allowing you to make friends with your body.

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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Osho International Corp., den Entwicklern von Osho Talking To Your BodyMind in Kontakt zu treten..

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Developer: Osho International

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Website: Osho Talking To Your BodyMind Website besuchen

About this app

A voice will guide you into communicating with your body and with your mind to support natural healing and harmony. ¬ a simple, yet powerful relaxation process for relieving the symptoms of stress-related physical discomforts and pain -- including such as headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems, neck, and shoulder pain and many other body symptoms. ¬ a method for deepening and harmonizing the body-mind connection, which results in an overall improvement in well-being. ¬ a process of befriending the body and becoming more sensitive to its needs, which in turn can help to support other health-related programs such as diet and exercise. ¬ an initial 7-day process which can be repeated but also used on a daily base according to your own structure.  This guided meditation of talking to the mind and body has been developed with his guidance. “Once you start communicating with your body, things become very easy. “The body need not be forced, it can be persuaded.  The body is en rapport with the mind. “When you want to raise the hand, you have to do nothing – you simply raise it.  To communicate with the body, talking to it, listening to its messages has been a well-known practice in ancient Tibet.  Modern medical science is only now beginning to recognize what the sages and mystics have always known: that the mind and body are not separate entities but deeply related.  I am talking to you – it is my mind that is communicating something to you. My body is following it.  Just the very idea that you want to raise it and the body follows it; it is a miracle.  One need not fight with the body – that's ugly, violent, aggressive, and any sort of conflict is going to create more and more tension.  It will look a little absurd in the beginning because we have never been taught to talk to our own body – and miracles can happen through it.  This is a guided process allowing you to make friends with your body.  And the body is such a beautiful gift from existence that to fight with it, is to deny existence itself. It is a shrine... we are enshrined in it; it is a temple.  The mind can affect the body, just as the body can affect the mind.  It is as if the body is running parallel to the mind.  It's the language of communicating with our own body.  Now, these ancient techniques have been revitalized and updated for the twenty-first century according to the guidance of Osho.  And it does not take any time at all – in a split second; sometimes without any time gap. “For example, I am talking to you and my hand will go on collaborating; there is no time gap. 

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