Vampr - Find Artists & Gigs

Vampr - Find Artists & Gigs Software


Über: Vampr is a social-professional network which helps creatives find people to collaborate with, create
new music and monetize their work
Hauptsitz: Santa Monica, California, United States.

Vampr Übersicht

Vampr is the number one social platform helping creatives and artists find people to collaborate with, create new music and monetize their work - an essential network that grows with you every step of your journey.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is the number one social platform helping creatives and artists find people to collaborate with, create new music and monetize their work - an essential network that grows with you every step of your journey. DISCOVER - Find musicians, industry professionals and music lovers near you. Get your latest music news. CONNECT - Build your network, message your new contacts and collaborate with other inspiring artists. CONTROL - From Publishing to Pro with Distribution – we’re here to support you professionally and help you make money from your tracks. Play Together For Terms of Use, please see https://diese For diese App Pro Services Agreement, please see https://diese App-pro-services-agreement/

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Erzittern


Wow ich bin so froh dass es so eine App gibt für Musiker wie mich

durch luisderfuchs

Very nice

If you search for other musicians you want to connect with this App is perfect

durch patzischatzi88

Great way to connect with musicians

Been looking for something like diese App for a long time, great app!

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