Siddur Torah Ohr, Chabad

Siddur Torah Ohr, Chabad Software


Siddur Torah Ohr Chabad Übersicht

- Displays the relevant Kriah for every Holiday - Rosh Chodesh, Chol Hamoed, Fastday etc.

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Special features: - Add your "name pesukim" at the end of Shemona Esreh - Kiddush Levana. - Me’ein Shalosh - Knows which Tefillah you'll need at any given time by tapping "Daven" - The daily Tehillim - Tehillim for age - Displays the relevant Kriah for every Holiday - Rosh Chodesh, Chol Hamoed, Fastday etc. - Only will display whats needed (i.e. Morid Hatal, Tefilin for men etc.) - Inserts special paragraphs (i.e. Yaaleh Veyavo, Hallel, etc.) at the correct place, and inserts special Tefilos for different times of year (i.e. Aseres Yemei Teshuva, Chol Hamoed, etc) Web:

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch YitzMendelW

Wrong day

B"H Great app, but unfortunately it always shows the wrong day. Please fix then 6 stars!

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