Stage Pro app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

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Habe ein probleme mit Stage Pro by Belkin for iPhone? Probleme melden

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Belkin International, Inc., den Entwicklern von Stage Pro in Kontakt zu treten..

About this app

Cost-efficient: More economical than secondary technology, such as interactive whiteboards and document cameras, Stage maintains the functionality of that same technology without the price tag and cost of integration.  Create multi-page presentations and toggle between canvases with the Stage Multiple Canvas feature.  Create, present, and share your Stage creations efficiently with these stock backgrounds.  This bundle of backgrounds includes graph paper, Graph XY axes, Music Staff, Ruled, World Map, USA States, European Countries, African Countries, Asian Countries, Australia, North America, and South America.  Make your demos and lessons fully interactive, collaborative, and engaging with Stage Pro.  Paired with Airplay, Stage makes wireless sharing quick and easy.  Easy-to-use: Unlike interactive whiteboards, Stage requires no additional training.  Portable: Bring your ideas to life anytime, anywhere with Stage.  Add multiple pictures from your photo library to your Stage creations.  Edit the color, size, and rotation of these objects in your Stage creations.  Reposition, resize, and rotate your images with ease. Add PDF pages to Stage.  Create, collaborate, and demonstrate with Stage Pro.  Stage does not require a login or connection to the internet, so it’s ready to go wherever and whenever you are.  Easily capture and save lessons using the Stage App.  Stage’s live video and interactive tools let you showcase real-time problem solving, demos, and experimentation.  And with the Sessions feature, pick up from where you left off when relaunching the app and save your sessions to create memorable presentations.