LightSaber Fighter

LightSaber Fighter Software


Über: Motion Technologies is a company focusing on orthopaedic silicone and 3D printing.
Hauptsitz: Renens, Vaud, Switzerland.

LightSaber Fighter Übersicht

These lightsabers have their unique sound and augmented appearance, each one, including Kylo Ren's sabre is finely crafted by light sabers' builder, powered and colored with unique crystals.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Sind Sie Jedi oder Sith? Finden Sie Ihr Lichtschwert! Are you Jedi or Sith? Find out which Lightsaber suits you! Swing, feel it's power and sound. IT WILL SHOW YOU THE LIGHT IN THE DARK. Duel with friends! Light your path with the flashlight in the dark! Use force and fight off the blasters and lasers! You don't need to build the light saber yourself. Discover all the famous ones, owned by star wars legends - famous Siths, Jedis and heroes: Kylo Ren, Palpatine, Han Solo, Yoda, Darth Maul, Luke Skywalker, Legendary Sith Darth Vader, Jedi Obi Wan, and many more.. Now you can use the force of the saber of light! Use light saber force wisely, keep in mind it's not a mere laser sword... These lightsabers have their unique sound and augmented appearance, each one, including Kylo Ren's sabre is finely crafted by light sabers' builder, powered and colored with unique crystals.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Messi=Gott

Sehr gut

Die App ist sehr gut Die Werbung nervt halt ein bisschen

durch Julien🐬🐬🐬


Ich finde es auch gut aber Werbung würde auch nicht mehr so oft gezeigt deswegen 5sterne

durch Anunu Games

Coole App

Richtig gute App nur man hat nicht alle Seiten am Anfang

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