Readder for Reddit

Readder for Reddit Software


Readder Übersicht

Sign in to your reddit account to view your subscribed reddits (requires a one-time IAP), vote, write comments and submit posts.

Readder supports multiple display modes you can switch between to view the different content Reddit offers in the best way.

With Readder you can view your feeds, preview articles, movies, (cat) pictures and follow comments and discussions.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is a client for reddit. With diese App you can view your feeds, preview articles, movies, (cat) pictures and follow comments and discussions. diese App supports multiple display modes you can switch between to view the different content Reddit offers in the best way. Sign in to your reddit account to view your subscribed reddits (requires a one-time IAP), vote, write comments and submit posts. This client will work in any orientation, won't forget your reddit accounts and will give you the best mobile reddit experience. Full feature list: * Multiple Reddit accounts - requires a one-time IAP * Lock screen - protect the app with a passcode or Touch ID * Night mode * Reader mode - for full screen immersive reading * Repost finder * Side bar for easy one-handed selection of subreddits * 3D support: preview links, images and more * Cast media to your chromecast * Swipe quickly between links * Use multi-touch swipe to reveal swipe actions on posts and comments * Fully supports landscape and portrait device orientations * Multiple display modes - pick the best one for the subreddit your viewing * Manage custom subreddit lists * Display videos and gifs * Sort links and comments just like in * Adjustable font size * Conserve bandwidth based on current connection * Submit posts and comments * Messages extension app for sending reddit links to friends * Today widget showing latests links in the notification center * Explore popular and trending subreddits * User center: view your messages, posts, karma, saved content, etc. * Keep optional list of recently visited subreddits * Support viewing Multireddits * Subreddit autocomplete * Search Reddit and specific subreddits * Easily swipe between your favorite subreddit feeds * Content filters - filter out subreddits, users and specific domains * Markdown helper bar * Friends feed

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch mariusski

Auf iPad die beste Wahl

Seit dem neusten Update ist die App absolut klasse geworden. Wer immer noch Alien Blue nachtrauert oder wer einfach nur eine gut designte App benutzen will, der kommt an diese App nicht mehr vorbei. Die App finde ich dabei besser gestaltet als Narwhal oder Antenna. Jeden Cent wert. Außerdem guter Entwickler, der auf Kritik eingeht.

durch Loltendo

Nach langer Suche die perfekte App gefunden!

Mag die App !SEHR!. Alles läuft perfekt. Hab davor über ein Jahr über 5 Apps probiert bis ich auf die hier gestoßen bin und benutze diese auch seit einem Jahr.

durch Cudified

Best reddit client out there

Simple, clean interface with smart features

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