Tribe: Task Management

Tribe: Task Management Software


Über: A marketplace for influencers and the brands that need them.
Hauptsitz: South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Tribe Übersicht

Think of Tribe as the inbox for your tasks, and your new digital personal assistant! Tribe turns manually creating tasks and lengthy back-and-forth conversations into clicking buttons.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is the best way to track the tasks you assign to other people. You can share tasks with anyone using their email address. You’ll never have to ask people to signup or download anything. They can update tasks directly from their email. Think of diese App as the inbox for your tasks, and your new digital personal assistant! diese App turns manually creating tasks and lengthy back-and-forth conversations into clicking buttons. diese App is an ideal enterprise product used for cross-team and cross-company collaboration. diese App is also great for personal use; couples, families and anyone else trying to better organize their personal lives. diese App, a 2015 Chicago Techstars company, has been featured by ChicagoInno, TastyTrade, and many others! The FREE app includes: • Track your tasks from your email in your diese App App • Create tasks, and send emails from inside the App itself • Assign and edit tasks, see the changes instantly across all devices • Click the icons next to your tasks: diese App will create messages you can send in seconds to Follow Up, Reply, or even say Thank You • Track all of your Tasks Online or Offline • Create tasks for people that use, or don’t use, diese App • Sort all of your Tasks: New, Urgent, Important, Rotting, and Done

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