Architecture of Radio

Architecture of Radio Software


Über: Studio Richard Vijgen is a design studio for contemporary information culture.
Hauptsitz: Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands.

Architecture of Radio Übersicht

The Architecture of Radio is a data visualization, based on global open datasets of cell tower, Wi-Fi and satellite locations.

The app is based on real world data and gives you a pretty good idea of the density of digital signals around you, but it won’t tell you where to move the couch to get a better WIFI signal.

It shows the cell towers, GPS satellites and Wi-Fi routers around you that allow us to live our digital lives.

Every time we use our phones, tablets or laptops we are entering an invisible world of wireless digital signals.

The Architecture of Radio is a 360 degree data visualization of what this world might look like.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

The infosphere, Visualized. Every time we use our phones, tablets or laptops we are entering an invisible world of wireless digital signals. It is a world that we cannot see but that is literally all around us. The Architecture of Radio is a 360 degree data visualization of what this world might look like. It shows the cell towers, GPS satellites and Wi-Fi routers around you that allow us to live our digital lives. New: support for Iphone X, XR, XS and XS Max Screens New: Cardboard support! Immerse yourself in the Infosphere in Virtual Reality using a cardboard or compatible headset* *Carboard support only for iPhone. iPhone 6s or newer recommended for best performance. Why should I use this app? Out of curiosity! We are increasingly dependent on a global ecosystem of digital signals. We use them for so many things, yet we cannot see them. We can see the roads we use to travel, the buildings we live in, but not the infrastructure that is changing the world. How can we understand this world without understanding how it works? The purpose of this app is to make the invisible visible so we can look at it, think about it and discuss it. Why Should I not use this app? This app is not a measurement tool. It’s purpose is to inspire, to see the world through a different lens. The app is based on real world data and gives you a pretty good idea of the density of digital signals around you, but it won’t tell you where to move the couch to get a better WIFI signal. So how does it work? The Architecture of Radio is a data visualization, based on global open datasets of cell tower, Wi-Fi and satellite locations. Based on your GPS location the app shows a 360 degree visualization of signals around you. The dataset includes almost 7 million cell towers, 19 million Wi-Fi routers and hundreds of satellites. Is this really what radio signals look like? We can’t see radio with our eyes. The waves that we use for our cell phones and Wi-Fi are way outside the spectrum of visible light. In order to “see” radio, it has to be interpreted or translated into an image that we can see. There are many ways to do that but it will always be an interpretation. The Architecture of Radio is an impression of the infosphere, a way of seeing it.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch .Bombaman.

Äußerst beeindruckend!

Selten habe ich so etwas beeindruckendes in Form einer App gesehen! Ist auch schon etwas unheimlich, obwohl es einen nicht überrascht.

durch ballybunion

Immer noch und immer wieder spannend ...

... und unbedingt empfehlenswert!

durch Kirchlive


Hatte auch erst Probleme die App zu Starten. Auf der Homepage wird drauf hingewiesen das zum Starten der App GPS aktiviert sein muss. Dann läuft alles ohne Probleme. Die App selber ist innovativ und interessant. Sie Visualisiert allen Funk der sich um uns herum befindet. Anscheinend durch Funkmasten-, Router- und Satellitendaten welche sehr genau bestimmt werden. Die Welt durch andere Augen sehen.

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