Dhikr App - Dua & Adhkar

Dhikr App - Dua & Adhkar Software


Dhikr App Übersicht

Dhikr App is a simple application that makes you remember Allah.

As we know, our iPhones are almost the whole time close to us, so with Dhikr App, you'll remember Allah more.

If you want to reset your count on Apple Watch, please press harder on the screen (Force Touch Feature).

If you forget to do dhikr, Dhikr App with notifications will remind you every 2 hours to do Dhikr.

Also, Dhikr App is available even on Apple Watch.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Dhikr App is a simple application that makes you remember Allah. Dhikr App is FREE and there are No Ads. So, everyone can have it. You don't need to carry about your tasbeeh because sometimes you can forget them, now you can use your iPhone. As we know, our iPhones are almost the whole time close to us, so with Dhikr App, you'll remember Allah more. If you forget to do dhikr, Dhikr App with notifications will remind you every 2 hours to do Dhikr. Also, it will remind you every Friday to send Salawat on Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him). With Dhikr App you can: - Count how many times you do Dhikr. - Read and Learn many different Dhikrs. - Set goals for Dhikr. - Get reminded to do Dhikr. Dhikr App is available in: - English - Albanian - Bosnian - French - German - Goranian - Italian - Portuguese - Turkish Also, Dhikr App is available even on Apple Watch. If you want to reset your count on Apple Watch, please press harder on the screen (Force Touch Feature).

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durch Tabarik urus


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