Using latest iPad Pro & iOS 12.x
If you switch app and switch back to Hiragana Times app, it crash.
2019-12-05 - Ok, thanks a lot for the update. Because of this problem I was not using it at all, and lost hope to see an upgrade one day.. And today it’s working almost fine, so I’m really happy.
Magazines are opening very fast now and the interface is clean - very cool.
A note : I had to download again all my issues but it was very fast. I found the speed weird because with the previous version it was slow as hell. I understood why this difference. Audio files are not downloaded by default, like the PDFs for kanji only texts. It’s not a big deal, because once we start the reading of an audio file or open a PDF, it’s ok, files are in cache after. But it could be great to have an option to download all related files of an issue, because we can start the reading when we have no mobile connectivity..
Thanks again.