Clear WAVE PLUS Avis

Clear WAVE PLUS Avis

Publié par on 2024-09-21

🏷️ À propos: Clear WAVE PLUS - this is a simple and high-quality way to clean your phone's speakers from moisture, dirt or other substances. Also, if you suddenly drop your phone into water, you do not need to blow into the speaker or put the phone in the water.


Lire 2 Service client avis 😠💢

5.0 out of 5

Je me suis fait taxer 4,50€ il m’on abonné à un truck fitness c’es salo avec un sms je vais vous signaler


Desoler grosse anarque a signaler ils vont vous facturer 4 euro 50 vous voulez rusez mais Allah est meilleur en ruse do3a de l’oprimer pour vous qu’Allah vous ruine amin

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We use sounds of different frequencies (from 0 to 80 Hz) to remove various particles from your phone's speaker.

Clear WAVE PLUS - this is a simple and high-quality way to clean your phone's speakers from moisture, dirt or other substances.

Also, if you suddenly drop your phone into water, you do not need to blow into the speaker or put the phone in the water.

The speaker actively vibrates at different frequencies, causing particles to fly out from its surface.

Cleaning speakers using our application is very convenient, and its efficiency is about 70% - this is the number we found during testing.

  Contacter le support
Kamau Vito