Red Onion - Darknet Browser

Red Onion - Darknet Browser Software


Red Onion Übersicht

- Multi format video/audio player allows you to play almost any video and audio format without leaving the app (wmv, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, 3gp, sf, avi, divx, dv, gxf, m2p, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, moov, mov, mp4, mpg, mpv, mt2s, mts, mxf, ogm, ogv, ps, qt, ts, vob, webm, wm, mp3, m4a, wma).

Red Onion is a full-fledged Tor-powered browser that offers you a REAL solution, with multiple tabs, customizable start screen, built in ad-blocker, history, bookmarks, and much much more.

With Red Onion you can bypass corporate, school, public wifi internet filters and access the entire Internet without restrictions with complete security.

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Red Onion is a unique browser that lets you access the Internet privately and anonymously. With Red Onion you can bypass corporate, school, public wifi internet filters and access the entire Internet without restrictions with complete security. Not only that with the built downloader you can freely download without ever revealing your true identity or IP address. Red Onion is a full-fledged Tor-powered browser that offers you a REAL solution, with multiple tabs, customizable start screen, built in ad-blocker, history, bookmarks, and much much more. Features: - Internet access tunneled over the Tor network - Websites do not see your real IP address - Access the entire Internet from behind corporate/ISP/national internet filters and censors - Auto clean up of cookies on exit - Reset history/tabs/etc on restart (App Settings > Full Reset or Always Full Reset options for flexibility) - Access websites on the "dark net" of anonymous .onion web sites, only accessible through Tor - Multiple tabs, Bookmarks & History - Supports Do Not Track - Start screen with the most frequent visited history entry's - Real-time search in your browsing history, bookmarks and tabs - Search engine integration in the Address bar - Share URL's via Twitter, Mail, Google+ - Search in the webpage - Download files by just tapping the link or "long press" the link to Force Download it - Simultaneous downloads (App Settings > Concurrent Downloads - default is set to 3 for performance can be changed to max of 5) - User-Agent spoofing - Ad-block (for most ad-networks) - Passcode lock and Touch ID support (NEW!) - File Manager - Preview Apple supported format right from within the app or "Open in..." others app on your device. - Multi format video/audio player allows you to play almost any video and audio format without leaving the app (wmv, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, 3gp, sf, avi, divx, dv, gxf, m2p, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, moov, mov, mp4, mpg, mpv, mt2s, mts, mxf, ogm, ogv, ps, qt, ts, vob, webm, wm, mp3, m4a, wma). - Address bar search engine options (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, StartPage can be changed App Settings > Search Engine) - Extract audio from mp4 files (convert to mp3) - Robust File Manager - m3u8 streams over Tor. Bypass geo-blocked live TV streams like Aljazeera by requesting country specific IP addresses (instructions in app) - Download m3u8 streams - (NEW!) Chromecast support with subtitles test.mp4 test.vtt (subtitle and video file must have the same name just different extensions) - Playlist Manager - Dynamically updating adblocker - (NEW!) Block HTTP referrer - (NEW!) Cloud backup optional (off my default) - (NEW!) Unzip/Untar - (NEW!) Text Editor Important Notes: - Web browsing/downloading through the anonymization network will be SIGNIFICANTLY SLOWER than through a non-tunneled browser like Safari. This is necessary and a small price to pay to keep your identity protected. - This product uses the Tor distributed networks is produced independently from the Tor(r) anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Savannah-Bay

Zuverlässige App, die Orwellsche Ängste dämpft

Was diese App kann, habe ich mir lange gewünscht: anonym im Internet sein. Ich habe nichts zu verbergen, aber möchte nicht ohne mein Wissen und Einverständnis persönliche Informationen wie meine Interessen etc. an Dritte, die ich gar nicht kenne, übermitteln. Dauert natürlich ein bisschen länger als sonst, aber der Seitenaufbau klappt meist beim ersten Anlauf, oft sogar erstaunlich schnell. Nur ab und zu muss man es nochmal neu versuchen. Einziges Minus: der virtuelle Button, mit dem man wählen kann, ob man direkt streamen oder mit Puffer schauen oder downloaden möchte, hat sich schon zweimal verabschiedet und nicht mehr einfügen lassen. Dann musste ich die App löschen und neu installieren, dann war alles wieder ok. Hier sehe ich Verbesserungspotential. Aber sonst ist die App toll.

durch pod_lover

Komfortabel und schnell

Komfortabel, schnell, einfach zu bedienen

durch anpoos

Schnell gut und zuverlässig


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