Gemini Strike: Space Shooter

Gemini Strike: Space Shooter Software


Gemini Strike Übersicht

Blast your way through enemy ships, evade fiery asteroids, sneak through blockades and face-off against epic bosses in this action-packed space shooter! Then when the blasting is done, raid cargo ships to find procedurally generated items to customize your fighter.

With a zillion different modules to mix and match (shields, missiles, lasers, beams, healing, EMPs) you are never short of ways to turn squads of enemies into beautiful cosmic fireworks.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Blast your way through enemy ships, evade fiery asteroids, sneak through blockades and face-off against epic bosses in this action-packed space shooter! Then when the blasting is done, raid cargo ships to find procedurally generated items to customize your fighter. With a zillion different modules to mix and match (shields, missiles, lasers, beams, healing, EMPs) you are never short of ways to turn squads of enemies into beautiful cosmic fireworks.
 With a catchy techno soundtrack and enemies that fill the screen with projectiles as dazzling as they are deadly, it's perfect old-school action for as little or as long as you have time to spare. Classic arcade action with a modern stylistic flair, Gemini Strike is a challenging space shooter that will test your skills but keep you coming back for more. * Destructive physics - enemy ships spin out of control and smash into each other * BIG boss fights * BIG explosions
 * RPG Hybrid - tons of procedurally generated items * Secret boss and cargo missions appear on the map 
* Engrossing characters and storyline 
* 100 sectors of glorious destruction

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch GulaschRolf

What a fun game

Lots of fun, but really needs a multiplayer. Like fighting bosses alongside with other players would be awesome. Still a great game on its own though, don't get me wrong!

durch Zasee

Great Game

Awesome levels, great animation of explosions and shooting. I Just love play constantly! Wish for more updates for more explosive fun

durch yoloswegbrot

fantastic game!

really fun to play! great story, for me just a multiplayer option to play with friends or to help each other is missing...

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