Don't step the white tile

Don't step the white tile Software


Don t step the white tile Übersicht

Tap the start button to begin and then tap on the black blocks to follow the 50 steps toward the goal.

display your steps and to begin a countdown of 10 seconds.

In this mode you have a 10 seconds to step as many times as possible, but you have to stop before the 10 second mark.

An addicting Japanese game that tests your reflexes against time and movement.

and if complete 50 steps,add 10 seconds.

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An addicting Japanese game that tests your reflexes against time and movement. Test your speed and accuracy with this simple and fun game! Start Tap the start button to begin and then tap on the black blocks to follow the 50 steps toward the goal. The quicker you tap, the faster the path moves! Tap on a white block and the game is over. Time Attack Mode Test your speed to see how fast can you complete 50 steps to the goal? Long Run Mode Measure distance advanced in 11 seconds. and if complete 50 steps,add 10 seconds. display your steps and to begin a countdown of 10 seconds. Stopping Just Mode In this mode you have a 10 seconds to step as many times as possible, but you have to stop before the 10 second mark. One step over10 seconds and you lose--so tip-toe quickly, but carefully! Step Mode 20 steps on the spot. You get a toy you do not want from my mom every time you clear. Collect 40 kinds of unwanted toys Score Your scores are recorded so you can always check your improvement. About Instructions on how to play the game, as well as the developer’s best score are included. Remove ads with in-app purchase. Can you do better than the developer?

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durch Supadupa25396


Please make an endles Mode ans ill give you 10.000 Stars👍

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