Jitbit Helpdesk

Jitbit Helpdesk Software

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Jitbit Helpdesk Overview

What is Jitbit Helpdesk?

Jitbit Helpdesk is a popular help desk software that focuses on productivity, ease-of-use, and simplicity. It offers powerful features that can take customer support to another level. The app is designed to help users do their job efficiently and effectively. Jitbit Helpdesk for iOS allows users to access their help desk from their mobile devices, enabling them to stay productive on the go.


- View all tickets on the desktop

- Search through all tickets

- Select view modes: Unanswered, Unclosed, All, etc.

- Filter by category and assigned to you

- View and reply to tickets

- View attached files and attach your own

- Insert canned responses and links to knowledge base articles into replies

- View ticket details and change priority, category, and assignee

- Change ticket statuses

- Delete, close, or mark tickets as spam

- Regular addition of new features to the app.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Jitbit Helpdesk is one of the most popular help desk software providers on the market. Our main focuses with Jitbit Helpdesk are on productivity, ease-of-use and simplicity. At the same time there are some incredibly powerful features in the app that will take your customer support to another level. Unlike other help desk apps we want to help you do your job, not just be another tool that you have to use. That's why in addition to all the standard help desk features we offer such features as canned responses, technician collision detection, smart Knowledge Base article suggestions with machine learning and more. Jitbit Helpdesk for iOS allows you to access your help desk from your device. We know that many people are away from their PCs quite often and we wanted to offer a solution so that you could stay productive on the go. Features include: * View all the tickets the same you do on the desktop * Search through all your tickets * Select view modes: Unanswered, Unclosed, All, etc. * Filter by category and assigned to you * View and reply to tickets * View attached files and attach your own * Insert canned responses and links to knowledge base articles into your replies * View ticket details and change priority, category and assignee * Change ticket statuses * Delete, close or mark tickets as spam We try to add new features to our help desk mobile app every month or so.

Top Reviews

By Jason Boothman

Limited Features

Sadly, many of the features on the desktop aren't available on the app making this app barely worth it. The interface is clean so if they could increase the usability I think it'd be a great app.

By Madeforworship

Good app, could be better

Good start. I can't seem to figure out why I don't get notifications though? Do they work?

By MikePadge

Can’t tag or CC people on tickets

I love Jitbit, but the inability to add new people or cc them on tickets from the app is devastating. Please take a look at this.

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