
高德地图-高德打车,导航公交地铁出行 Software

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高德地图 高德打车 导航公交地铁出行 Overview

What is 高德地图 高德打车 导航公交地铁出行?

The upgraded version of the Gaode Map app offers a wide range of features beyond just navigation. The app provides services for finding the best routes, comparing taxi prices, booking hotels, buying tickets for tourist attractions, finding gas stations, and even locating public restrooms. The app also offers real-time traffic updates, team navigation, and voice navigation with a variety of celebrity voice options. Additionally, the app provides a platform for users to give feedback and contact customer service.


- AR driving and walking navigation

- Accurate and intelligent navigation for driving, taxi, public transportation, biking, walking, trucks, motorcycles, and new energy vehicles

- Real-time traffic updates and estimated arrival times

- Team navigation and voice chat

- Voice navigation with celebrity voice options

- One-click taxi booking with real-time price comparison

- Privacy protection and trip insurance

- Value-added taxi packages and member benefits

- Real-time public transportation updates and reminders

- Hotel booking with price comparison

- Tourist attraction ticket booking with subsidies

- Audio guides for tourist attractions

- Map of charging stations for electric vehicles

- Customer feedback and support through various channels.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

高德地图--不止路熟,吃喝玩乐行都熟! 2021年,高德地图宣布向“出门好生活开放服务平台”升级,推出全新品牌Slogan:高德地图,哪儿都熟! 高德地图不止路熟,你想要的路线也熟 高德地图不止路熟,比价打车也熟 高德地图不止路熟,选优惠酒店也熟 高德地图不止路熟,买景区门票也熟 高德地图不止路熟,优惠加油也熟 高德地图不止路熟,连找厕所也熟 高德地图不止路熟,高德指南哪儿都熟 【地图导航】 提供行业领先的AR驾车导航、AR步行导航,支持连接行车记录仪(AR步行导航支持iOS11以上系统版本) 提供包含驾车、打车、公交、骑行、步行、货车、摩托车、新能源等多种出行方式的精准智能导航 提供实时精准路况,提前躲避拥堵路线,准确预估到达时间 组队出行,实时掌握队友位置,导航对讲,队友不“失联” 语音导航,“你好小德”语音助手,驾车更安全 特色语音包,拥有于谦、PDD、等多款特色语音包 【高德打车】 一键全网多平台多车型同时呼叫,就是快 多家平台实时比价,直观比价替你省 隐私保护,敢坐敢赔,行程有保障 超值打车套餐,出行单单享优惠 惊喜会员权益,打车越多优惠越多 【实时公交】 公交全程导航,到站和换乘及时提醒 坐公交不用等,实时公交,到哪儿一目了然 【生活服务】 百万酒店全网比价,火热大促中,新用户立享85折起! 景区门票百万补贴,提前预订,畅玩暑期! 提供景区大咖语音讲解,带你边走边听 充电地图,权威官方充电桩信息覆盖全,发现最近最优惠电桩,支持先充后付一键扫码 【温馨提示】 高德地图的驾车语音导航,公交换乘提醒和步行语音导航会持续使用GPS定位服务,切换至后台播放时仍会继续,某些其他操作会消耗更多的电量,并影响电池续航时间。 高德地图最低可以支持在iOS10.0版本系统下安装和使用。 【有关您的隐私和HealthKit数据说明】 高德地图已支持集成的HealthKit,您可以根据需要在AppleHealth中打开或关闭这些权限。 您可以在高德家人地图中记录的运动数据同步至“健康”,同时在高德家人地图中分享自己的运动记录。 高德地图仅在用户访问该功能时,通过健康获取用户步数数据进行显示,不会在其他场景使用该数据 【联系我们】 感谢您使用高德地图,使用中有任何问题可直接在“我的--帮助与反馈”中进行反馈,我们将及时进行处理,也可以通过以下方式进行反馈: 官方微信公众号:高德地图/gaodeditu 官方新浪微博:@高德地图 官方客服电话:400-810-0080

Top Reviews

By Dirhfuouahjshdj

Working very well in China

The experience of using the software in China is better than using many GPS systems used in the US. It is undated constantly to catch the new construction on the road. Not sure if it has an English version for non-Chinese speakers though.

By Fyll2016

Great map for traveling in China

I used it a lot when I spent my vacation in Beijing. It is amazing that I can still rely on it in my hometown, a small town in Liaoning province. It would be perfect if saving pic option could include the walking route while selecting public transportation.

By Shalom-Sharon

Best map that I've used in China.

It's accurate and keeps adding new features. Currently just add ebike route. Recently it does not display the road names when I select the bus route. Pls display the road name instead of 50m, turn left, 100m turn right!

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